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What can I do between therapy sessions to support my healing process?

Sep 14

4 min read




The therapeutic process is a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. While the work done during therapy sessions is vital, it’s equally important to engage in supportive practices outside of those sessions to deepen your progress. As a psycho-spiritual therapist, I’ve found that combining practical self-care with spiritual practices can offer immense support to clients during their healing process. Here are some valuable ways to enhance and nurture your personal growth beyond the therapy room:

1. Establish a Self-Care Routine

Healing, whether emotional, psychological, or spiritual, requires nurturing the body and mind. Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally outside of therapy sessions ensures that you have the energy and resilience needed for the therapeutic journey. Simple practices such as adequate rest, nourishing meals, and regular physical movement can make a significant difference. Creating a self-care routine that includes relaxation techniques—like taking baths, spending time in nature, or doing something creative—can help maintain emotional balance and reduce stress.

2. Daily Meditation or Mindfulness Practices

Incorporating a regular meditation or mindfulness practice can help you stay grounded, increase self-awareness, and cultivate a calm, non-judgmental space for observing your thoughts and emotions. By meditating daily, even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes, you create an opportunity to process emotions that may have surfaced during therapy. Mindfulness also supports emotional regulation, helping you respond to triggers or challenges with more clarity and composure.

3. Journaling as a Tool for Reflection

Writing down your thoughts and emotions can be incredibly therapeutic. Journaling helps you process what’s happening in your life, gain insight into your patterns, and release pent-up feelings. It’s an excellent way to extend the inner work you’ve started in therapy, as it allows you to reflect on your sessions, document any breakthroughs, and track your progress over time. Consider adding a spiritual dimension to your journaling by setting intentions or expressing gratitude at the end of each entry.

4. Engage in Breath Work or Energy Healing

Breath work is a powerful practice that can help regulate your nervous system, ease anxiety, and release stored emotional tension. Techniques like deep diaphragmatic breathing, box breathing, or guided breath work sessions can calm the mind and bring you into the present moment. Additionally, exploring energy healing practices, such as Reiki or chakra balancing, can complement your emotional work in therapy by helping to clear energetic blockages and restore balance to your system.

5. Connect with Your Spirituality

The therapeutic process often involves deep introspection and confronting unresolved wounds, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. Anchoring yourself in spiritual practices can provide a sense of support and guidance during these challenging times. Whether it’s prayer, intuitive card reading, connecting with a higher power, or engaging in rituals that hold personal significance, spirituality can serve as a source of comfort and strength. Consider incorporating simple rituals like lighting candles, saying affirmations, or spending time in nature as part of your self-care routine.

6. Creative Expression as a Release

Engaging in creative activities such as drawing, painting, dancing, or playing music can be a wonderful outlet for processing emotions and connecting to your inner self. Creative expression allows you to explore feelings that may be difficult to verbalise and can bring insight into your emotional world. It can also serve as a form of meditation, encouraging presence and flow while offering a release for pent-up energy or stress.

7. Practice Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude is a simple but powerful practice that can help shift your mindset and improve your emotional well-being. Taking a few moments each day to acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your life, even small things, can foster a sense of contentment and balance. Gratitude practices can be combined with your journaling or meditation, reinforcing your sense of connection to the present moment and creating a more positive foundation for your healing journey. There are fantastic apps like '5 Minute Journal' which offer a quick and easy way to incorporate gratitude and journalling into your day.

8. Set Boundaries and Prioritise Rest

Therapy often involves working through heavy emotions, which can be mentally and physically draining. It’s essential to set healthy boundaries around your time and energy. Make sure you’re giving yourself permission to rest when needed, without feeling guilty about stepping back from obligations or social commitments. Honour the healing process by recognising that rest is as vital as the work itself, allowing your body and mind to recover and integrate.

9. Lean on Your Support System

Don’t underestimate the importance of connecting with loved ones or those who understand your journey. Whether it’s a trusted friend, a family member, or a supportive group, leaning on others for encouragement and understanding can make a significant difference. Sometimes, simply talking through what you’re going through or receiving a compassionate ear can provide emotional relief.

10. Embrace Patience and Compassion

The healing process is not linear, and there will be ups and downs along the way. It’s important to embrace patience and show yourself compassion during this journey. There may be times when emotions feel overwhelming or progress seems slow, but by treating yourself with kindness, you foster an environment where true healing can unfold naturally. Remember, it’s a process, and each step—no matter how small—is part of the greater journey toward wholeness.

Final Thoughts

The best practice to support your therapeutic journey is the one you enjoy doing, so it may take some exploration to find what resonates most with you. Whether it’s journaling, meditation, creative expression, or something else, the key is to try different things and see what feels right. Once you discover what works, integrating it into your daily routine will allow you to reap even greater benefits. And if your routine starts to feel stagnant, don’t be afraid to mix it up—sometimes a fresh approach can reinvigorate your progress. Consistency, along with flexibility, in nurturing your mind, body, and spirit creates a strong foundation for deeper healing and long-term transformation.

Sep 14

4 min read





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